Exmoor has some charming villages with of typical English cottages decorated by carefully arranged greenery and flowers. Dunster is one such village. From the Yarn Market, dating from 1609, it's a short walk to West Street, featuring some of the most colorful cottages. Nearby St. George's Parish Church is a charming church, with details like tombs of crusaders, stained glass windows where the generous contributors are portrayed in the midst of a Biblical scene, and a separate chapel for the noble Luttrell family that ruled the area for centuries. The church is a center for activities and gives the observant viewer a good sense of the present village life: there are numerous stalls with information on assisting the poor and developing countries and are shelves with used books whose proceeds benefit the church and tables where sometimes tea is served.
Behind the church is a beautiful garden that leads to the Dovecot a circular building designed to house pigeons. For their meat that is. A little bit further is the Gallox Bridge dating from the 15th century. The bridge was originally intended for pack-horses and recognizable by the low railings designed to not interfere with the baskets. Near the bridge there is a working water mill and then the path that leads to the Castle of the Luttrells, now a museum, which gives a nice impression of the elegant wealth in which the nobility lived.